Lindsay Lohan can't get a job to save her life. She was set to star in The Manson Girls but got dropped because no A-listers are willing to work with her. Off to the C-list she goes. (CelebNewsWire)
Jennifer Aniston's nipplitis tells you all you need to know about how she feels about John Mayer [PIC]. (Egotastic)
Iron Man really whored itself out to Audi and Burger King, but at the end of the day, it's a great movie with sexy Robert Downey Jr. in it. (Jossip)
Shia LeBoeuf loves getting laid but doesn't enjoy it when women expect a commitment and all that jazz. (ICYDK)
In what could only be called karma at work, Suge Knight got knocked out at a nightclub over the weekend despite the fact that his bodyguards beat the crap out of hte guy who punched him in the head first [PICS]. (TMZ)
Rapper DMX was arrested over the weekend for animal cruelty and drug possession. Apparently 12 emaciated pitbulls were found in his home. Loser. (CelebSlam)
The very beautiful Parvati Shallow took home the $1 million prize on Survivor: Micronesia last night. A well deserved prize if you paid any attention to the show this season. (Celebritique)
Post Title → Entertainment News - May 12, 2008